The global pandemic of COVID-19, the disease caused by a novel Coronavirus, has changed life as we know it. Because the residents at Walnut Creek communities are more vulnerable to the virus and it’s complications, we understand that we shoulder a tremendous responsibility. But, with our years of experience equipped us to handle COVID-19’s challenges, even as its swiftness and severity took many by surprise. We are proud of the work we are doing to protect our residents and associates. Less than 1% of our residents, as of September 1, 2020, were confirmed positive for COVID-19*.
Walnut Creek communities have established communicable disease outbreak protocols. We have implemented additional precautionary measures to address the COVID-19 pandemic.
Preventative Measures
Positive Case Protocols In the cases of a confirmed diagnosis of COVID-19 in a community, we have acted in compliance with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), local and state health authorities’ guidance, as well as in the best interest of the person. These protocols include steps to try to minimize chances for exposure, including adhering to personal protection protocols and managing visitor access. When necessary, Walnut Creek Living has created special areas for residents who test positive. Dedicated associates are assigned exclusively to these special areas and wear expanded PPE, which may include head coverings, eye protection, face shields, N95/KN95 masks, gowns, gloves and shoe covers.
Cleaning Measures
Walnut Creek has refined its long-established cleaning protocols for infection control specifically to target the COVID-19 virus, based on scientific and healthcare recommendations. We use products that are certified by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to both clean and disinfect and that have been deemed effective against the virus that causes COVID-19. Associates are trained specifically on these products to understand usage and dwell times, (e.g. how long a product must be in contact with a surface in order to properly disinfect it). Frequency Community areas are typically cleaned as frequently as three times a day.
Resident Life
The emotional well-being of our residents remains a high priority, and we are fully aware that our social-distancing protocols during an outbreak may place them at higher risk for social isolation. Here’s what our teams are doing to try to facilitate the best quality of life for our residents
For those of you with friends and family members in our communities, we understand you miss being able to sit with your loved one in person. Until we are able to fully ease our visitor restrictions, we have some great alternatives for Mom and Dad to see their newest grandchild, or to have a cup of coffee together.
In-Person Visitors
Where community and local regulatory guidelines allow, you are able to make in-person visits. They look different than you are used to, because our top priority is making sure our residents, associates and visitors are safe.
Here’s what we ask of our visitors:
- Schedule a visit in advance during designated visiting hours.
- Undergo temperature check and screening.
- Limit visitors in group to four or fewer.
- Follow social-distancing guidelines and avoid physical contact.
- Wear face coverings at all times (unless medically unable).
- Use hand sanitizer prior to and after each visit.
- Visits in designated outdoor areas, weather permitting.
- Limit visits to 45 minutes.
- Don’t bring outside food or beverages. (Bottled water is provided.)
- Wear a mask, stay safe.
Thank you.
Covid-19 Safety
For more information